We have a clear mission and with luck on our side every roll is a 20 and no 1 is left behind.

Our History

Jasper’s Game Day started as an idea, a one-time event that took off and became so much more than we ever expected! Fenway lost two friends in the span of 10 months to suicide and everyone that knew them was deeply affected. The heartache and pain that everyone felt led to actionable steps by Fenway and her dad, Aaron. Back in 2017, they organized an event to raise awareness and donations for suicide prevention, it was so well received it’s still going strong and growing thanks to everyone that supports and is a vital component of Jasper’s Game Day.

That’s what Jasper’s Game Day is about, preventing others from experiencing that pain by raising as much awareness as possible.

We are gamers, we are friends, we are family.

We are dedicated to making sure that EVERY donation makes a difference.

Our Mission

As a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, it’s our mission to raise funds for suicide prevention and awareness. Through this, we strive to reduce the stigma around talking about mental health so the world can start to treat it just like physical health. But we are so much more than that, we are building a community of individuals that are unique and have a love for all things RPG. We combined the fun of Dungeons and Dragons with the quest toward suicide awareness and prevention, and it’s been nothing short of amazing.

In reducing the stigma around mental health, we want to be able to help prevent suicide, and not just respond to the aftermath. We want to bring the community together and show everyone that they are not alone!


Jasper’s Game Day brought together dozen of gamers for a week-long Dungeons and Dragons charity gaming event.
“The group managed to raise nearly $20,000 for the American Association of Suicidology’s youth-focused program, the National Center for the Prevention of Youth Suicide and for local crisis centers across the country. One of the biggest fundraisers of its kind, the organizers for JGD have shown the power of connection and relationships built during gaming can lead to incredible, real-world, life-saving outcomes.”

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jaspers squad

Who We Are

Our board of directors is made up of 8 individuals, but we have amazing sponsors and partners joining us to host events and grow the Jasper’s Game Day family.

We are not alone in this mission and we are here to help!

Last year (2019) we brought in $25,000. For 2020, we are on pace to break $100,000. We are designated by the IRS as a 501(c)(3) charity. Net proceeds are distributed as follows: 85% go to suicide prevention and Awareness Charities, 10% is saved for future use, and the last 5% is used for administrative expenses. For our online event both years, we donated to the American Association of Suicidology. For our 2020 events, we also donated to an online teen hotline to keep its doors open and to a crisis center that specifically works with the suicide prevention of teens of minorities.

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